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Introduction to Unix Shell Programming

This class serves as an introduction to Linux, the UNIX-like operating system that runs on almost all High-Perfomance and Advanced-Computing systems. It is intended for users who have little or no experience with UNIX or Linux, and covers material that will help you develop an understanding of the Linux command-line environment, necessary for successful use of the Unix environment. We including basic commands for file/directory management. The emphasis is on a hands-on tutorial approach where practical applications are integrated in the lecture. This course is partly based on the Software Carpentry set of lectures and is conducted by a SWC certified instructor.

Introduction to make and makefiles

make is a tool for managing the building of software and databases. It uses a simple syntax to describe a "dependence graph", which allows the automatic execution of a sequence of commands that rebuild all files of interest. If you are tasked with building and rebuilding a software package that includes many source files, this facility may well save you from typing yourself to death. It is included in virtually every Unix system, and is used by almost all software distributions that need re-compilation when installing on a new system. It is no exaggeration to call it one of the most useful Unix tools. This course is also based on the SWC lectures, and includes continuous exercises and live coding.

Instructor: Hartmut Schmider, Centre for Advanced Computing, Queen's University.
Prerequisites: None.