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Video Conferencing Rooms

We can provide Video Conferencing at several Universities in Eastern Ontario. Each Video conferencing room includes displays, microphones, and easy to use software, and can be connected to other grids throughout the world. They are available for research related meetings or other usage. Other Compute Canada centres have also deployed Video Conferencing rooms. For details and bookings, please see below.

Centre for Advanced Computing Main Office, Queen's University, Kingston

Note: Our video conferencing room serves as a meeting room and for other purposes. It is important to contact us about using it with sufficient notice to resolve scheduling conflicts up-front.

Carleton University, Ottawa

1125 Colonel By Drive 
3230B in Herzberg 
(located inside the Office of the Dean) 
Ottawa, ON 

Seneca College

Markham Campus, 9th Floor 
8 The Seneca Way (Highway 7 and Highway 404) 
Markham, Ontario 

Loyalist College

Video Conferencing Rooms Across Canada

This is an incomplete list of Video Conferencing Rooms at the HPC Consortia across Canada. Please inquire as to the availability of the room during the workshop timeslots. The contact person should be able to help arrange setting up the connection. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Video Conferencing Rooms across Canada
Name Location Capacity Contact Name Contact Email
HPCVL Carleton 1125 Colonel By Drive, 3230B in Herzberg 11 Michael Hu mhu@carleton.physics.ca
HPCVL Main Office Kingston ON 20 Costa Dafnas costa.dafnas@queensu.ca
Athabasca University 10011-109 St., Edmonton, AB, Rm 1112 Ron Manke rmanke@athabascau.ca
Brock University McKenzie Chown Complex, F313 info@sharcnet.ca
Fanshawe College London On, Fanshawe G1013 info@sharcnet.ca
Lakehead University AT5037 info@sharcnet.ca
Laurentian University FA374A info@sharcnet.ca
McMaster University ABB 131-J info@sharcnet.ca
Memorial ER4015 Earth Sciences ER4015 10 support@ace-net.ca
Nipissing University A251 info@sharcnet.ca
Ontario College of Art and Design Rm 287 info@sharcnet.ca
Perimeter Institue for Theoretical Physics info@sharcnet.ca
SciNet Video Conference room 256 McCaul St., 2nd Floor 25 Leslie Groer groer@scinet.utoronto.ca
Seneca College Markham Campus, 9th Floor, The Seneca Way Steven Lin steven.lin@senecac.on.ca
SFU 42 West St., Rm 205 20 support@ace-net.ca
SFU-Applied Science Rm 10901, Applied Sciences Building support@westgrid.ca
SFU-Okanagan Fipke Centre, Rm 337 10 Todd Zimmerman todd.zimmerman@ubc.ca
Sheridan College SCAET S213 info@sharcnet.ca
SMU IOCOM Science Building Rm 127 20 Phil Romkey promkey@ap.smu.ca
Trent University SC 108 info@sharcnet.ca
UNB Gillin Hall Gillian Hall, Rm 131 10 support@ace-net.ca
University of Calgary Biological Sciences Building, Rm 540B support@westgrid.ca
University of Guelph (A) Reynolds 016 info@sharcnet.ca
University of Guelph (B) Reynolds 312 info@sharcnet.ca
University of Lethbridge CRDC, Rm L1116 support@westgrid.ca
University of Manitoba-EITC EITC, Rm E2-568 support@westgrid.ca
University of Ontario Institute of Technology UA 4080 info@sharcnet.ca
University of Saskatchewan Agriculture Building, Rm 2D71 support@westgrid.ca
University of Waterloo Physics 374 info@sharcnet.ca
University of Western Ontario WSC 132 info@sharcnet.ca
University of Western Ontario WSC 148 info@sharcnet.ca
University of Windsor Lambton Tower, G142 info@sharcnet.ca
Wilfred Laurier University SR 113 info@sharcnet.ca
York University TEL 1012 info@sharcnet.ca
UofA General Services Building General Services Building, Room 315 support@westgrid.ca

Vidyo Server

For Video connections, we have a Vidyo conferencing client installed.

Big Blue Button

HPCVL is hosting the Compute Ontario Big Blue Button (BBB) videoconferencing system. This allows users or training event participants to connect with User Support or Instructors using a web browser and a microphone/webcam without additional software required.

See our BBB page for details.