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== General Overview ==
== Features ==
ADINA(Automatic Dynamic Incremental Non-linear Analysis) is a general-purpose finite element program for advanced engineering analysis in the fields of Structural Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Fluid-Structure Interactions, Heat Transfer, and Themomechanical Coupling.
AutoDock actually consists of three separate programs:
* AutoDock performs the docking of the ligand to a set of grids describing the target protein
* AutoGrid pre-calculates these grids
* AutoTors sets up which bonds will be treated as rotatable in the ligand.
AutoDock has been widely used and there are many examples of its successful application in the literature (see References). It is very fast, provides high quality predictions of ligand conformations, and good correlations between predicted inhibition constants and experimental ones. For a more complete list, see the official AutoDock homepage and click on "capabilities".
The ADINA system consists of various programs that come with different tools and utilities that can be used independently or at once. In particular:
== Location of the program and setup ==
* '''0ADINA (adina8.5)''' for processing and analysis
The present version of AutoDock is 4.2.5, which is the latest as of early 2014.  
* '''ADINA User Interface (aui8.5)''' for pre-processing and post-processing (including geometry, mesh generation and analysis).
The present version of ADINA program is '''8.5.2'''
Before you can access AutoDock, you need to [http://www.hpcvl.org/sites/default/files/hpvcl_autodock_license.pdf read our license agreement] and [http://www.hpcvl.org/sites/default/files/hpvcl_autodock_statement.pdf sign a statement] that you have done so and will abide by it. See the last section for details.
=== ADINA system ===
The AutoDock program is located in the directory /opt/autodock. To access it, you have to do a setup using the usepackage facility:
ADINA can run indiferently from the command line in interactive or batch mode, or through the <span>'''AUI'''</span> graphic interface.
<pre>use autodock305</pre>
Adina program has a large number of features and also Parallel Processing capabilities; as showed in this list of most important features:
==== Problems Solved ====
* Linear and Nonlinear structural analysis
* Dynamic analysis
* Thermal analysis of structures
* Buckling of structure
* Frequency analysis of structures
* Structural materials
* Heat Transfer
* Coupled Problems
* Multiphysics
* CFD including CFD Boundary conditions, and CFD Material models.
For more details check the information provided at the end of this document.
==== Solvers ====
* Frequency
** Sparse solver
* Large Models
** Iterative conjugate-gradient procedure with preconditioning
** GMRES with preconditioning
* Fluid Flows
** Iterative conjugate-gradient procedure
** Iterative procedures
** Bi-conjugate-gradient technique
* Multigrid
* Direct Skyline
* Explicit
** For ADINA-F only
For more details check the information provided at the end of this document.
==== Parallel Processing ====
ADINA also allows Parallel Processing (at the solver level only for SUN)
* Parallelization for:
** Calculation
** Assemblage of the element matrices
** Solution of the equations
** Calculation of the elements results
* NO pre-and post-processing with SUN Sparc architectures
* DDM is performed automatically
* Parallelization for:
** ADINA-F does not have paralellized assembly.
** ADINA and ADINA-T have paralellized assembly.
** 64-bit Equation solver(for problems demanding large size memory)
** 32-bit Porthole file.
For more details check the information provided at the end of this document.
==== Available tools ====
Moreover the '''adina''' and '''aui''' binaries, the ADINA system provides a set of shell scripts and utilities that allow the user to handle all aspects of running ADINA applications (located under '''$ADINAHOME/tools''')
The most important ones are:
* '''adina8.5''' Shell script program that controls most of ADINA programs.
* '''aui8.5''' Run the GUI and all demo examples.
And, the list of applications (programs) is:
* '''ADINA''' Structural Analysis $ADINAHOME/bin/adinat8.5
* '''ADINA-F''' Incompressible and fully compressible flows $ADINAHOME/bin/adina8.5
* '''ADINA-T''' Heat Transfer and field problems $ADINAHOME/adinat8.5
* '''ADINA-FSI''' Fluid flows with structural interactions $ADINAHOME/adfsi8.5
* '''ADINA-TMC''' Thermomechanical Coupling $ADINAHOME/adtmc8.5
* '''ADINA-M''' ADINA User interface with solid Modeling $ADINAHOME/aui8.5
* '''AUI''' ADINA User interface $ADINAHOME/aui8.5
==== Getting started using ADINA ====
Before starting you have to add the path to Adina binaries, scripts and libraries (namely '''PATH''' and '''LD_LIBRARY_PATH'''), to your environment variables.
For instance one must add the following line into his setup file (.profile, .bashrc, .cshrc, ...)
: '''$ use adina'''
Which takes care of all the ADINA setup, in particular the following directories:
: '''$ADINAHOME/bin''' ADINA home directorie
: '''$ADINAHOME/tools''' Shell scripts to run and maintain Adina programs
: '''$ADINAHOME/adina8.5''' Executable and shared libraries for general problems
: '''$ADINAHOME/adfsi8.5''' Executable and shared libraries for fluid-structure Interaction problems
: '''$ADINAHOME/adinat8.5''' Executable and shared libraries for heat transfer problems
: '''$ADINAHOME/adtmc8.5''' Executable and shared libraries for thermo-mechanical coupling problems
: '''$ADINAHOME/aui8.5''' Executable and shared libraries for Adina UI problems
The shared libraries are under '''$ADINAHOME/{ aui8.5, adfsi8.5, adina8.5, adinaf8.5, adinat8.5, adinatmc8.5, aui8.5, plugins, image, format }'''
Once done, ADINA system can be started either with the GUI '''aui8.5''' for interactive session, or with the '''adina''' program to run jobs from the command line.
Of course, this may be included in your setup files (probably .bash_profile), so you don't have to type them each time you run AutoDock.
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== Running ADINA ==
== Running From a Command Line==
=== Local Usage of Adina ===
The usage of AutoDock is explained in the [http://autodock.scripps.edu/downloads/faqs-help/manual/autodock-4-2-user-guide/AutoDock4.2.6_UserGuide.pdf User's Manual] which is available for download.
On our systems, a user can only access Adina after they have filled in a [http://www.hpcvl.org/sites/default/files/adina-statement.pdf Adina User statement] (please fax to (613) 533-2015 or scan/email to [mailto:cac.admin@queensu.ca cac.admin@queensu.ca]. The statement is to the effect that the user  will abide by the licensing terms, namely by using the software for academic research purposes only.
Input files for Autodock are in a PDBQS format for the macromolecule and in a PDBQ format for the ligand molecule. Autodock comes with additional ultilities such asmol2topdqs and addsol to convert other formats (such as mol2). For details, please check the documentation.
=== Interactive session with ADINA ===
Assuming that we have input files ligand.pdbq and macro.pdbqs, we need to make a Grid Parameter file (gpf) and a Docking Parameter file (dpf) which can be created using themkgpf3 and mkdpf3 programs. Both are part of the Autodock distribution:
To enter the  '''ADINA'''  Graphical environment you must be logged in to a terminal or workstation that is running X-Windows and be sure that your '''DISPLAY''' environment variable is set for the terminal from which you are running X-windows; which should be the case if you are connecting through the portal.
<pre>mkgpf3 ligand.pdbq macro.pdbqs % mkdpf3 ligand.pdbq macro.pdbqs</pre>
If you log in from a '''UNIX''' machine using '''ssh''' then type:
This produces input files for autogrid3 and autodock3, which are called macro.gpf and ligand.macro.dpf. Both files might have to be edited manually before being used. The main part of an Autodock run then consists in calls to autogrid3 (for calculating a grid map) and autodock2 (for docking):
: '''$ ssh -X -l hpcxxxx sfnode0.hpcvl.queensu.ca'''
followed by
: '''$ ssh -X swlogin1'''
and then:
: '''$ use adina'''
To start the Graphic User Interface 'AUI' type:
: '''$ aui'''
which gives you the '''ADINA''' graphical window consisting of three major areas:
* Graphics Window
* Command Window
* Message Window
A '''HELP''' button is present at the top right of the GUI from where you can see a list of available documents and also information about demo examples.
To see all '''aui8.5''' input options type:
: '''$ aui8.5 -help'''
The most important ones are:
* '''-mm MMAX''' maximum memory for entire analysis
* '''-ms MSPARSE''' maximum memory for sparse solver
* '''-m MSTORE''' memory for matrix/element storage
* '''-t threads''' number of CPUs to use
* '''-ulimit''' remove limitation on all resources for this process
Users interested in using frequently ADINA should consult the specific chapters in the '''ADINA User’s Guide''' located under directory '''$ADINAHOME/docs'''
=== ADINA jobs from the command line ===
ADINA programs are controlled by a shell script named '''adina''' stored in the directory '''$ADINAHOME/tools'''
The shell script will submit and run your adina job, it has many input options. The minimun necessary to run a job is :
: '''$ adina job_name'''
Where '''job_name''' is the name of the job which must end with a '''.dat''' suffix.
Other options of interest to HPCVL users are:
: '''-u user''' use ser defined subroutine. The default is '''yes'''
: '''-t num''' Where 'num' is the number of threads. The default is '''one'''
: '''-nthread num''' Where 'num' is the number of threads for parallel matrix solver. The default is '''one'''
: '''-lib directory_name''' Where directory_name is the name of the directory where the job data I/O operations are done. The default is the current working directory.
: '''-m MTOT''' Amount of memory for use by program. For example, to specify 20 megabytes, use -m 20mb
: '''-in[fep]''' start in pre-processor mode
'''fep''' can be one of the following letters:
: '''A''' Pre-processing for ADINA Structures
: '''F''' Pre-processing for ADINA CFD
: '''T''' Pre-processing for ADINA Thermal
'''-plot''' start in post-processor mode
'''-cmd''' run in command mode
'''-s''' filename command file
'''-tools dir''' Directory for script to run ADINA solutions. Default is '''$ADINAHOME/tools'''
'''-tmp dir''' Directory for temporary files. Default is '''/hpcxxxx/scratch'''
'''-ma''' Maxsize Parameter, overrides value given in include file. The default '''NORMAL''' number is 20 Mbyte, and the maximum amount of memory '''MAXSIZE''' to allocate is 4Gbyte.
'''Note.''' ADINA manages the memory dynamically, so in most cases you will not have to use this option.
=== Batch ADINA jobs ===
As indicated above the '''adina''' utility script allow the user to run adina jobs in batch mode, which can be used without any other option in the process of developing and debugging your ADINA applications.
By default '''adina''' will run the job in background and in order to avoid input verification before starting the job add the ''''-v no'''' option.
For example, if the name of adina job is 'cyl2.dat' (look at the examples in one of these directories '''$ADINAHOME/examples''' or '''$ADINAHOME''' one may type:
: '''$ adina -j cyl2'''
or also, if you are using your own user defined subroutine '''user.f''' with ADINA, you can type:
: '''$ adina -j cyl2 -u user'''
'''Note'''. Once your job is ready for production, you should use instead the Grid Engine job management system to run and manage your ADINA jobs, (see next section).
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== ADINA jobs with Grid Engine  ==
=== Submitting sequential ADINA jobs through Grid Engine ===
Before starting we refer users to our HPCVL Grid Engine FAQ for more details about the usage of Grid Engine on HPCVL machines.
Submitting a sequential adina job to Grid Engine queues is the same as submitting any sequential job. But users must make sure that there is no interaction between the program and them, and also note that you can not run the '''adina GUI''' program through Grid Engine.
Here is some basic steps you should follow in order to submit your job:
* All the data required to run the job must be collected in the command file '''job_name.in''' (created by '''AUI''').
* If submitting a batch job use '''adina''' or '''adina -cmd'''
* You may also need to give the full pathname of '''adina''' shell script if your environment variables are not exported.
After this, the executable line in your Grid Engine batch script should look like this:
: '''$ adina job_name'''
and then you can add other Grid Engine general options like mail notification or name of the job, etc ...
A full example of Adina sequential job with Grid Engine can be found here:
autogrid3 -p macro.gpf -l macro.glg
# This is a simple example of a GE batch script for adina
autodock3 -p ligand.macro.dpf -l ligand.macro.dlg
# request Bourne again shell as shell for job
#$ -S /bin/bash
# name of the job
#$ -N baseline
# export environment variables
#$ -V
# Joining standard output and error into a specified file
#$ -j y
#$ -cwd
# run adina job
adina8.5 -R 3000MB cyl2
Once your Grid Engine script for '''ADINA''' (let’s call it '''adina_seq.sh''') is ready you can submit it to Grid Engine:
The -l option is used to specify log files, whereas the -p defines the input. Various other output files will be produced, someof which can be used to inspect the docking result graphically. Other utilities such as get-docked are supplied to perform the necessary conversions.
: '''$ qsub adina_seq.sh'''
The usage of Autodock is quite complex, and the outline here cannot replace the study of the manual. A postscript version of the latter may be found in /opt/autodock/doc.
=== Submitting parallel adina jobs through Grid Engine ===
'''Note''': AutoDock does not have parallel capabilities at this point. As a result you won't get a considerable speedup for an individual run on a parallel system as compared with, say, a desktop machine. However, a parallel machine allows the simultaneous execution of multiple instances of this software.
ADINA system has parallel processing capabilities based on domain decomposition techniques. It’s available on shared and distributed machines using multithreading for communications between the processes, while the parallel performance of the solver is done using multithreading.
== Submitting Batch Jobs ==
Note that most features of ADINA are also available within the parallel framework (to see if your adina application can run in parallel take a look at '''ADINA Release notes''' or contact HPCVL support team.
Production jobs are submitted via the Grid Engine Scheduler. To obtain details, [[HowTo:Scheduler | read our Scheduler Help File]].
A sample script for the calls to autogrid3 and autodock3 looks like this:
For a parallel job, moreover the conditions discussed in the previous section concerning sequential adina job with Grid Engine, you need to specify the number of processors to be used. This is done with two options of the '''adina''' script
# '''adina -t num''' where 'num' is the number of processors, usually it’s the same as the number of subdomains, and the 'adina' program will split the hole domain to 'num' subdomains. Note that you can use 'aui8.5' to view the results in the hole domain or in any of the subdomaines.
# '''adina -thread num''', where 'num' is the number of threads for parallel matrix solver only. (Note. This is used automatically in the case of parallel DDM jobs).
The command line in your Grid Engine batch script should look like this:
: '''adina -j job_name'''
If you are interested in parallelizing the matrix solver only you can use this line:
: '''adina -t num -j job_name'''
A full example of Adina parallel job with Grid Engine can be found here:
# This is a simple example of a GE batch script for adina
# request Bourne again shell as shell for job
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -S /bin/bash
# name of the job
#$ -N baseline
# export environment variables
#$ -V
#$ -V
# Joining standard output and error into a specified file
#$ -j y
#$ -cwd
#$ -cwd
# Request of the multithreading parallel environment
#$ -M {email address}
#$ -pe shm.pe 4
#$ -m be
#$ -v PARALLEL=4
#$ -o {standard output file}
#$ -e {standard error file}
# make sure <number_of_processors> is the same as above
autogrid3 -p macro.gpf -l macro.glg
# run adina job
autodock3 -p ligand.macro.dpf -l ligand.macro.dlg
adina8.5 -R 3000MB -t 4 cyl2
Once your Grid Engine script for Adina (let’s call it '''adina_par.sh''') is ready you can submit is through to Grid Engine:
Since Autodock is serial, it is very basic. Just replace the items in curly brackets by the proper entries for your run. File name definitions for the ligand and macromolecule are assumed to be without "extensions".
: '''$ qsub adina_par.sh'''
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==  Help and Documentation ==
A lot of ADINA specific documentation and examples can be found at [http://www.adina.com/support http://www.adina.com/support]
The set of ADINA system online manuals documentation (in PDF) is under the directory '''$ADINAHOME/doc'''.
== Licensing ==
AutoDock is obtainable free of charge for academic research users only from the Scripps Research Institute. [http://autodock.scripps.edu/downloads To obtain your own copy, go here].
HPCVL users will find the follwoing documents:
The distributors of AutoDock require their users to sign a User's Agreement, and we have done so. Our license agreement covers only academic researchers that are users, explicitly excluding any commercial or contract usage. Like with other software, we require users who want to use AutoDock, to [http://www.hpcvl.org/sites/default/files/hpvcl_autodock_license.pdf read the license agreement], and [http://www.hpcvl.org/sites/default/files/hpvcl_autodock_statement.pdf sign a statement] that they have done so and will abide by its terms. Sign it and return it to us (fax to (613) 533-2015 or [mailto:cac.admin@queensu.ca scan/email to cac.admin@queensu.ca]. You will then be included in a Unix user group "autodock" that has access to the AutoDock executables.
== More Information ==
* '''ADINA User Interface Command Reference Manual:'''
** '''Volume I: Solids and Structures'''
** '''Volume II: Heat Transfer'''
** '''Volume III: CFD and FSI'''
** '''Volume IV: Display Processing'''
* '''ADINA Theory and Modeling Guides:'''
** '''Volume I: Solids and Structures'''
** '''Volume II: Heat Transfer'''
** '''Volume III: CFD and FSI'''
* '''ADINA User Interface Primer Guide'''
* '''ADINA verification Manual'''
* '''ADINA Nastran Interface'''
* Under the '''$ADINAHOME/samples''' directory you will find the set of problems accompagning the training and also the introductory courses.
* Under the '''$ADINAHOME/docs''' directory you will find the '''Adina User’s Guide'''.
You can also access the '''HELP''' menu from the ADINA GUI, from where you get the list of all '''PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION''' and also a possibility to run '''DEMONSTRATION''' problems.
AutoDock is a complex software package, and requires practice to be used efficiently. In this file we can't explain its use in any detail.  
HPCVL also offers user support; for questions about this FAQ and usage of ADINA software on HPCVL machines, [[Contacts:UserSupport|contact us]] or send an email to : '''help@hpcvl.org'''
* Complete documentation for the program is available in the form of [http://autodock.scripps.edu/downloads/faqs-help/manual/autodock-4-2-user-guide/AutoDock4.2.6_UserGuide.pdf the User's Manual], which is an absolute must-have if you want to use this program.
* It is available at the official [http://autodock.scripps.edu/ AutoDock website]. This website is also your number-one address if you have questions about the program or encounter problems. They feature a useful FAQ and even a few movies.
* '''Send [mailto:cac.help@queensu.ca|email to cac.help@queensu.ca]'''. We're happy to help.

Latest revision as of 17:56, 16 May 2017


This is a short help file on the AutoDock suite of automated docking tools. This software allows the prediction of how small molecules bind to a receptor site of known structure. Since AutoDock is a rather sophisticated set of tools, this FAQ cannot replace the manual. It is rather meant as a starting point for using AutoDock, and to answer questions that are specific to our installation of the software.


AutoDock actually consists of three separate programs:

  • AutoDock performs the docking of the ligand to a set of grids describing the target protein
  • AutoGrid pre-calculates these grids
  • AutoTors sets up which bonds will be treated as rotatable in the ligand.

AutoDock has been widely used and there are many examples of its successful application in the literature (see References). It is very fast, provides high quality predictions of ligand conformations, and good correlations between predicted inhibition constants and experimental ones. For a more complete list, see the official AutoDock homepage and click on "capabilities".

Location of the program and setup

The present version of AutoDock is 4.2.5, which is the latest as of early 2014.

Before you can access AutoDock, you need to read our license agreement and sign a statement that you have done so and will abide by it. See the last section for details.

The AutoDock program is located in the directory /opt/autodock. To access it, you have to do a setup using the usepackage facility:

use autodock305

Of course, this may be included in your setup files (probably .bash_profile), so you don't have to type them each time you run AutoDock.

Running From a Command Line

The usage of AutoDock is explained in the User's Manual which is available for download.

Input files for Autodock are in a PDBQS format for the macromolecule and in a PDBQ format for the ligand molecule. Autodock comes with additional ultilities such asmol2topdqs and addsol to convert other formats (such as mol2). For details, please check the documentation.

Assuming that we have input files ligand.pdbq and macro.pdbqs, we need to make a Grid Parameter file (gpf) and a Docking Parameter file (dpf) which can be created using themkgpf3 and mkdpf3 programs. Both are part of the Autodock distribution:

mkgpf3 ligand.pdbq macro.pdbqs % mkdpf3 ligand.pdbq macro.pdbqs

This produces input files for autogrid3 and autodock3, which are called macro.gpf and ligand.macro.dpf. Both files might have to be edited manually before being used. The main part of an Autodock run then consists in calls to autogrid3 (for calculating a grid map) and autodock2 (for docking):

autogrid3 -p macro.gpf -l macro.glg 
autodock3 -p ligand.macro.dpf -l ligand.macro.dlg 

The -l option is used to specify log files, whereas the -p defines the input. Various other output files will be produced, someof which can be used to inspect the docking result graphically. Other utilities such as get-docked are supplied to perform the necessary conversions.

The usage of Autodock is quite complex, and the outline here cannot replace the study of the manual. A postscript version of the latter may be found in /opt/autodock/doc.

Note: AutoDock does not have parallel capabilities at this point. As a result you won't get a considerable speedup for an individual run on a parallel system as compared with, say, a desktop machine. However, a parallel machine allows the simultaneous execution of multiple instances of this software.

Submitting Batch Jobs

Production jobs are submitted via the Grid Engine Scheduler. To obtain details, read our Scheduler Help File. A sample script for the calls to autogrid3 and autodock3 looks like this:

#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -V
#$ -cwd
#$ -M {email address}
#$ -m be
#$ -o {standard output file}
#$ -e {standard error file}
autogrid3 -p macro.gpf -l macro.glg 
autodock3 -p ligand.macro.dpf -l ligand.macro.dlg 

Since Autodock is serial, it is very basic. Just replace the items in curly brackets by the proper entries for your run. File name definitions for the ligand and macromolecule are assumed to be without "extensions".


AutoDock is obtainable free of charge for academic research users only from the Scripps Research Institute. To obtain your own copy, go here.

The distributors of AutoDock require their users to sign a User's Agreement, and we have done so. Our license agreement covers only academic researchers that are users, explicitly excluding any commercial or contract usage. Like with other software, we require users who want to use AutoDock, to read the license agreement, and sign a statement that they have done so and will abide by its terms. Sign it and return it to us (fax to (613) 533-2015 or scan/email to cac.admin@queensu.ca. You will then be included in a Unix user group "autodock" that has access to the AutoDock executables.

More Information

AutoDock is a complex software package, and requires practice to be used efficiently. In this file we can't explain its use in any detail.

  • Complete documentation for the program is available in the form of the User's Manual, which is an absolute must-have if you want to use this program.
  • It is available at the official AutoDock website. This website is also your number-one address if you have questions about the program or encounter problems. They feature a useful FAQ and even a few movies.
  • Send to cac.help@queensu.ca. We're happy to help.